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Plan Works Special Offers
Special offer:
Centralised Cash Management Provider Research
only £300 inc. VAT
We all know that streamlining the research you do into the products and services you recommend to your clients can significantly save you both time and money.
That’s where we can help!
As we get to work with lots of different financial planning firms, we get to see the different solutions being recommended and how these work well with end clients.
In recent times, we have seen the use of “cash management” providers being used more and more with the firms we work with.
Being one of the newer services available within our kit bags, we decided to undertake a review into this area including a whole of market review of the providers and their solutions.
Our Cash Management Centralised Research report is now available to purchase at £300 inc VAT.
Our Centralised Research document offers all the information you need to select the right provider or validate the suitability of your current solution.
If you’re not yet offering cash management services to your clients, our document outlines the key reasons to consider adding this to your proposition. Our thorough research provides the confidence to recommend these solutions to your clients and equips you with essential knowledge about using cash management solutions.
Our research includes a summary of our findings as well as a detailed analysis of each of the shortlisted providers.
We recommend updating centralised research at least annually due to frequent changes in product offerings and the financial profession as a whole.
If you would like us a copy of our Cash Management Centralised Research – please complete your details below, add payment and we will be in touch soon with your report.
Please also read and add your signature to our Terms of Business and Non-Disclosure Agreement.