Linear or Stochastic Cashflow Modelling?
by Nathan Fryer Cash flow modelling is a key part of financial planning however who are we
by Nathan Fryer Cash flow modelling is a key part of financial planning however who are we
by Philip Reynolds Before joining the profession, I must admit that I underestimated the extent to which
by Sian Davies Cole The most important part of the Paraplanner role is to be able to
by Philip Reynolds The “Power of Three” is a well-known structure used in marketing. However, what I
by Sian Davies Cole CFPᵀᴹ MCSI Chartered ALIBF Working as an outsourced paraplanner means that I get
by Kimberley Malin It could be said that the trust built within the client – Financial Planner
by Sian Davies Cole In this Consumer Duty age, we are having to actively think more about
By Nathan Fryer On the 12th December 2023 the FCA wrote to investment platforms and SIPP
By Paula Butrynska We all know that we need to review a client’s workplace pension if providing
by Nathan Fryer Whilst many will know about the move to offer clients the option to take
It is important to understand that investing money in stocks, shares and bonds can mean that the
We created this CPD log for a client and thought rather than charging them to build it,
Further to my youtube video about making Zoom more secure, I have made the attached document which
This is a really quick video to help you make your Zoom calls more secure. I don’t
A financial planner and I have created the attached spreadsheet which may help some of your clients
Cost Whilst the regulator concentrates on getting value for our clients, what we seem to forget is
IFA Life Calculator Click on the link above and it should upload a spreadsheet
Nicki Hinton-Jones, CFA Tel 07920 153041 XPM EIS Due Diligence Package (002)
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